Cleaner Production Assessment
To be able to identify cleaner production options, it is necessary to carry out a cleaner production assessment.
The cleaner production assessment focuses on:
- WHERE waste and emissions are generated;
- WHY waste and emissions are generated; and
- HOW waste and emissions can be minimized in your company.
Cleaner production assessment is a useful tool to systematically investigate the existing production and to identify opportunities for improving the production or the products.

Step 1: Getting Started
- Ensure top management commitment.
- Form a cleaner production team.
- List process steps and identify waste streams.
- Prepare process flow charts.
- Select focus areas.
Step 2: Analyzing Process Steps
- Make material and energy balances.
- Characterize waste streams.
- Assign costs to waste streams.
- Identify causes of waste generation.
Step 3: Generating Cleaner Production Options
- Generate workable cleaner production options.
- Sort options into: “directly implementable”; “needs further study”; and “rejected options”.
Step 4: Selecting Cleaner Production Options
- Analyze the technical feasibility of cleaner production options.
- Analyze the economic viability of cleaner production options.
- Analyze the environmental feasibility of cleaner production options.
- Select cleaner production options for implementation.
Step 5: Implementing CP Options
- Make a cleaner production action plan.
- Implement cleaner production options.
Step 6: Maintaining Cleaner Production
- Monitor and evaluate results.
- Report cleaner production results.
- Prepare for a new cleaner production assessment.
- Continuously integrate cleaner production activities into daily management.